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Old 02-27-2020, 10:47 AM   #5
Burg Boxster
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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And yes, seats DEFINITELY matter - do not skimp on safety.

There are only 4 bolts holding your seat (holding you) to the car. What if the bolts are strong but the metal frame is made of crap steel and aluminum from who knows where? You put two wheels off on a back straight of track XYZ doing 200' per second... Slight lift and bang a little snap over-steer shoots your car back across track into an armco. Want steel/alum of unknown quality and origin making up your seat frame body and rails?

Learn from Ryan Newman at Daytona two weeks ago... He walked out of the hospital 2 days later. Dale Sr. 19 years prior had a much less severe incident (to say the least) at same track which tragically took his life (he wouldn't wear a HANS...).

Do not skimp on safety.

Good luck
"Cool Prius!"
- Nobody
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