Thread: My Red '97
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Old 02-21-2020, 10:46 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by GLImages View Post
I think they are talking about the Bio Circle parts washer/chemicals.
Yes, it is the green parts washer in the pics with the muffler. Rather than using harsh petro-chemical cleaners it has a water based enzyme solution that 'eats' the oil and sludge.

The car is running well and the only leak observed so far was from the screw on oil filter not being tight enough. Next week I start 7 days of day shift at work and that should be a good time to work on some issues that won't put the car out of commission or get me too dirty. I plan to fix the problems with the top and windows.

Windows: The driver side window usually doesn't stay dropped when the door is open. It can't be pushed down by hand when open. That is most likely a problem with the door latch.
The passenger side window will drop if it's pushed down by hand, then raise back up normally when the door is closed. That is most likely the 'slack regulator cable' issue that many people have fixed with a spacer. I think the root cause is actually the window motor. I have parts... and will report further next week.

Top: Lots of issues when I got the car. The frame for the top and lift arms for the clamshell were broken, a plastic ball link was broken, and all the linkage was disconnected. I expect that there are still multiple problems, but I have complete sets of parts boxed up and ready to replace the whole system if needed.
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