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Old 02-01-2020, 05:41 AM   #22
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I have it all pop riveted together (partially). Now I need to file down and clean up the edges, take it apart, wrap the hood and then drill and rivet the rest of it together. All in all I probably have a full day wrapped up into getting to this point. A few lessons learned

1) make template after template, use lots of cardboard.
2) make panels one at a time, rivet them to the hood then recheck your templates for the remaining pieces. dimensions change as the rivets go it.
3) change your jigsaw blades often to keep cuts clean.
4) use tape to protect aluminum surface
5) don't cut aluminum big with the plans to trim. Get the template 100% right then cut
6) measure the straightness constantly, it will want to pull in different directions.

1997 Boxster 4.2L Audi V8 Bi-Turbo
2003 911 C2
NASA HPDE Instructor
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