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Old 01-05-2020, 12:09 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Delaware
Posts: 101
Originally Posted by piper6909 View Post
Wow! It goes to show that when you have a draft you get all the best! I bet he also believed that the Universe is 3000 years old!
Well, the Marines was historically all volunteer - they did draft some during 'Nam.

Ready for another?
EVERYBODY had a 'crutch' to get by in Vietnam. One guy was super-religious, reading a bible every chance he got. Lots drank every chance they got. Some took pills - uppers, downers, even some took LSD. Some 'shot up' - I even knew one corpsman who would shoot the guys up so they had clean needles - but, I would say that most of us smoked Pot. Sometimes it was hard to get, but every time somebody made it to a rear area, we got resupplied. I knew one guy would break off branches, dry the stuff and smoke it - damn near killed himself a couple of times... but I digress - on to the story.

They had 'observation towers' made out of 4 pressure-treated telephone poles in a rectangle with a 'hut' on the top made of heavy planks and sandbags covering the sides of the hut. They were set back a bit from the front lines and primarily used at night. To the story - one afternoon, a bunch of us - maybe 6 - were smoking up in one, getting wasted, just chilling. One guy got up, announced he had to pee, and forgot we were about 20 feet up, and just stepped out of the doorway. We heard a Yaaaaaaaaaaaa that seemed to go on for a long time - then silence. We all rushed down the ladder. Guy was flat on his back gulping for air (had knocked the wind out of him) eyes closed, faced contorted. We stood silently around him, staring, worried. Slowly his breathing became more normal, his face less contorted, and eventually, he calmed and opened his eyes. He looked all around at us staring at him and then said "WOW!". He was fine. Instead of being glad, all of us started kicking him and cursing him - "You stupid f@ck! - you gave us a headache! What a bummer!"
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