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Old 01-01-2020, 06:38 PM   #77
Who's askin'?
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Watch it....
I brought this thread into the world, and I can take it out....

Actually.... not sure if i can.
But in the spirit of the new year, please accept my plea for Kumbaya.

Piper, I've learned to read your messages, which tend to be inflammatory, as if you were in front of me, with a ****************-eating grin on your face because you're TRYING to push my buttons, and enjoying that you can. ;-) I'd suggest this method to some others here, as well.

I'd appeal to our commonalities here, recognizing that none of us are stupid, and that the differences in our lifes' experiences and education can shape our outlook on policies. We can disagree with someone and still respect their intellect and intention.

Yes.... this is a "can't we ask just get along?" Post.

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