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Old 01-01-2020, 03:49 PM   #71
SMK Shoe
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Originally Posted by piper6909 View Post

I actually think it's an outdated concept, anyway. A group of butt-scratching, beer-bellied yahoos with machine guns against the best equipped and best trained forces in the history of the world? HAHA! I'll take that bet!
Well, you would probably loose that bet, 1. A large majority of the military are patriot's and would not follow a illegal order to engage the US population. 2. A very large number of those patriots already wore the uniform. Larger number of us older and little slower patriots than in Uniform. 3. US Military does not have the stomach to fill body bags with soldiers and patriots over illegal gun seizures. 4. You seem to believe that the military members are mindless drones. Far from the case. Most believe in God and Country more than Government politicians. 5. I won't comment on the best equipped and trained in the history of the world, I am way to "in the know" and that statement is far off the mark.
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