Originally Posted by piper6909
You'd suppose wrong. First of all, there's an estimated 20,000 to 60,000 militia groups in the USA. We don't know the exact number because why? They're NOT regulated. That was my point. They love to harp on the 'right to bear arms' part, but conveniently forget the 'well regulated' part.
I actually think it's an outdated concept, anyway. A group of butt-scratching, beer-bellied yahoos with machine guns against the best equipped and best trained forces in the history of the world? HAHA! I'll take that bet!
I'm a gun owner. But I want nothing to do whit the NRA and some whacked-out, anarchist militia groups. I suppose some militia groups are good, but most seem to me like wannabe army rejects. The NRA was good up until around the 80's or 90s, when they just went off the deep end, in my opinion.
And, once again piper, you and I find ourselves in more agreement than either of us is likely comfortable admitting. Haha
I think I agree with ALL of that.
Here's what I'd add, though:
The purpose that the writers intended was that there would remain in place our ability, as citizens, to resist oppression from our own government. At the time this was militia. Those Patriots had little in common with today's militia groups, as you've accurately portrayed them.
And you're right that the average citizens have little chance against the military might of the United states. However: it's not only a question of "could they win". It's the idea that there IS, and WILL BE, resistance to oppression. A government bent on an agenda will think twice before taking up arms against its armed-citizens. But if those citizens aren't armed, then there's no need to hesitate.
Again: I'm not one who thinks it'll come to that. At least not in my lifetime. But if we all hand over our guns, what's to stop a guy like trump from exercising his role as commander in chief and "taking over"? Or Bernie? Or AOC? Or any of the many other individuals who think their cause is worthy of ignoring the will of the people as demonstrated at the polls?
The 2nd amendment provides a very important supportive role to the REST of the constitution.
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