Originally Posted by maytag
And I love how others simply ignore what the rest of it meant to the founding fathers when it was written and ratified.
I suppose YOU'RE one of those who thinks that is referring to what we now call the National Guard?
Check your history to understand the context of "...being necessary to the security of a free State...". The National Guard doesn't fill the need they intended. Not even close. In fact, the National Guard would indeed represent the danger they wanted us to be able to defend ourselves FROM.
You'd suppose wrong. First of all, there's an estimated 20,000 to 60,000 militia groups in the USA. We don't know the exact number because why? They're NOT regulated. That was my point. They love to harp on the 'right to bear arms' part, but conveniently forget the 'well regulated' part.
I actually think it's an outdated concept, anyway. A group of butt-scratching, beer-bellied yahoos with machine guns against the best equipped and best trained forces in the history of the world? HAHA! I'll take that bet!
I'm a gun owner. But I want nothing to do whit the NRA and some whacked-out, anarchist militia groups. I suppose some militia groups are good, but most seem to me like wannabe army rejects. The NRA was good up until around the 80's or 90s, when they just went off the deep end, in my opinion.