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Old 12-31-2019, 05:20 PM   #56
SMK Shoe
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Carolinas
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Originally Posted by DoninDel View Post
MY $.02.

On private property you can have your loaded gun.
Usually don't have to defend myself on my own property
If you are in an apartment, you can have a loaded gun in the apartment, but not take it into the hall loaded.
So because someone can't/don't want to own property they are not allowed to defend themselves
A property owner can declare their property a 'loaded guns okay' area or 'no guns - loaded or unloaded' area.
Agree 100%, property owners should be allowed to determine if you can/can't carry a weapon on the property. Then I can decide if I will/won't be on the property

Of course it won't stop all shootings - I can't think of anything that would.
So you want everyone other than the shooter to be disarmed.
It would allow police to stop anyone carrying a gun and inspect it to ensure it is unloaded. Magazines unloaded would take time to load.
So you are all for the police to stop a law abiding citizen just to check if they have a weapon and if so it's unloaded. Sounds like a police state to me. What other rights are you willing to give up to feel safer

BTW - I was in Marines in 'Nam - most of my time I was under orders to wear a helmet and flak jacket and have a loaded weapon with me at all times - I don't want America to be like that, not fond memories...
So you don't want to have a weapon to defend yourself.
BTW, US paratrooper. Desert Shield/Storm 1990/1991
OIF. 2002-2003
OIF 2005-2006
OIF. 2008-2009
OEF. 2010-2011
Glad I had a weapon/weapons with me the whole time, and glad I live in a state where I can still carry if wanted/needed

If you don't want to carry/don't feel you are responsible enough carry, That's fine. But don't take my right away to be able to defend my family/country if needed.
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