My Pioneer AVH-2550 NEX is installed. I am spoiled now having Android Auto / Carplay in my 2019 Pilot, and knew it was one of those "can't live without" type things for me. While I was in there I decided to fix the foam flying out the vents problem as well. I followed the "cut from the front" approach f
irst proposed by 78F350.
Here are some shots of how that came out:

I found the 3M tape that was discussed that should handle up to 300 degrees. It seemed to work really well. If it has any longevity issues I will update here.
Here is the headunit in the kit send by crutchfield, I sprayed it with Testors 1830MT Diamond Gloss to try to match my sport design trim. It is close, the amount of metallic "speckle" is spot on, the color is a bit more sliver then my more gray trim.
I also installed a USB / AUX jack in place of the lighter, and am really pleased with how this came out. Here is a
thread that shows more detail on installing that piece.

I ended up having the shave the retaining nut quite a bit to get the horseshoe back in the dash.