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Old 12-25-2019, 11:39 AM   #14
SMK Shoe
Registered User
Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Carolinas
Posts: 108
I'll take a jab at a couple points.
1. When was the last time you went to a gun show. There is NO "gun show loophole". You still have to do a check just like a gun shop. Stop listening to CNN for your gun facts
2.the time it takes to do a mag change is about two seconds maybe three. Good luck rushing the assailant at that time. Stop watching movies about disarming someone during a mag change
3. Go ahead a look up the stats for North Carolina. We have had CCW for about ten years now. ALL violent crimes statistics have gone DOWN measurability
4. What gun laws are failing us? still illegal to hurt someone, Kill them, or kill their family. What additional laws do you want
5. Assault rifle make up a minuscule amount for any violent crimes. So what good would limiting magazines for them.
6. Go ahead and search for the article of a Florida mother that saved her family with a big scary black rifle when TWO people broke into her house.

7. Well, thats one place we differ, I voted for him and I will do everything I can to make sure he gets another four years. He has done more for America with EVERYONE fighting him than that last POS we had.

Enough for now, got leftover to enjoy.
Great thing about this country, we can disagree all day long. Merry Christmas
(and yes, I was in a line of work were multiple people attacked me often, 26 years of it)

82nd ABN
Ft. Bragg, NC
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