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Old 12-12-2019, 07:09 AM   #1
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Posts: 28
Clunk Clunk Cluck silence - No Gears | WHAT BROKE?

Need a little help here Gentlemen...

New to 986forum too.

1999 Boxster, 53,000 miles, White.

The last few days I've felt a power loss / lag when releasing the clutch and the amount of pedal with torque seemed gradually less.

Yesterday morning, I was driving in 1st and 2nd leaving a very long parking lot and I came to a stop sign and gently let off in 1st and a very loud CLANK CLANK CLANK with a rotatory repetition began. Something big broke.

I made it 50 feet and it seems as there was no second gear. Being 300 yards from home, I hoped to limp her home in 1st gear. If I was very gentle with just a few RPMS there was no VERY LOUD CLANKING. Just a small bit of travel in the clutch petal where I still had power to the wheels.

I made it about 100 feet and then it stopped and 1st gear was gone. I checked second gear and I'm fairly sure that the clutch has no actuation. And I rolled her home.

WHAT Broke?

I'm a fair mechanic, I have all the tools and I love this car. I live in Palm Beach so the weather is good for the repairs and there is an endless line of blonde girls that want a "ride" - Please advise.

Thank you
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