Thread: IMS again
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Old 12-08-2019, 09:03 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by pilot4fn View Post
Thanks Subman, good points. I'l probably get the IMS bearing changed at the spring as I get the car out from the garage (currently hiding from the snow)
Subman makes some good points, but consider the cost vs benefits. You can get a good used 2.7 motor from $1500-3000 depending on location, miles, etc. An IMS will cost you around $1500. So you're looking, at best, at a 2:1 insurance policy against, at worst, a 15% chance the IMS bearing will actually fail.

Is it worth it?

I have a 2002 with 93K miles and Tiptronic. If I had a manual and needed to change the clutch, the IMS bearing may have been a "while you're in there" sort of thing. I don't, so it's not worth it for me.
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