Originally Posted by mikefocke
Part is listed as "housing". Commonly called "flange". So how do we know if a bearing was changed?
Good question. I have from previous owner the receipt of the IMS bearing and change - clutch change was done also reputable shop, both at the same time. They took pictures of the job as well that shows bearing to be pulled out and also other works that was done... this in consideration, I do trust that it ws done...
Related to the Flange only on this part number, it shows on the invoice as "996105017 IMS bearing kit, Porsche Boxter 97-04" at 750€ price. Price for the work was as a separate line item.
After reading much more on this subject and trying to sort out any 'warnign signs' of wearing out IMS bearing, I can't find any warnign signs commonly written about - besides the current IMS bearing mileage.