Thread: IMS again
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Old 11-10-2019, 01:22 PM   #7
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by marsheng View Post
Sorry my mistake. I read about several suppliers with oil fed solutions and never having worked on a motor, didn't realize it was a sealed bearing. That eliminates a huge number of issues.

There are however many sealed bearings that last virtually forever. If so few fail, then it could have been a batch problem from the supplier.

This discussion however made me rethink 'hope it lasts' option to and oil fed solution.

Thanks for the input.

And now for those tires and oil, I will !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha
Yeah, the oil-fed solutions are changing the bearing to an open bearing, which requires constant lubrication. (iiuc)

For me, I wish someone would develop a replacement bearing that's more like a traditional crank bearing, with a direct oil feed to it, and bearing "shells". This makes so much more sense to me, and would have the happy benefits of still staying largely "in-place" if the bearing failed, si timing remains close, meaning no other parts in the motor get damaged. It would also be easily replaceable if damaged.

But that would be FAR too easy for the Porsche community.... Haha. I mean, it'd be almost sacrilegious to put a simple and robust bearing in a motor with 5 chains, all those ramps and hydraulic tensioners, the craziest Air/Oil separator system I've ever seen.... etc etc.

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