The crappy paint may be why I don't really care for them that much. And I don't like the seam around the rear when mounted. Looks too much like they are sitting "on top" of the truck lid. I think they would look great molded in, although I don't have any plans for that. But that's what I meant by not bad fitment. Everything lines up where it's supposed to be. I'm just being picky.
Let me think about a price. I may be open to bartering too. I have a few things I'm looking for. I'll shoot you guys a PM and/or make a post in the classifieds. I didn't mean for this to be a for sale ad. HAHA.
Here's a few pics of the humps. I don't have any pics with them mounted. I might be able to snap a few once it warms up later this afternoon. Included one of my car for good measure.