Thread: Cel p1123 p1125
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Old 10-18-2019, 08:11 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Vza View Post
99 Boxster Base So after much work and money. New Batt, AOS,MAF,Plugs,Fuel Filter,Air Filter,Gas Cap,Oil Cap o-ring,Cleaned TB, Timing,New VarioCam Solenoid, Repaired DME, I'm getting a CEL with P1123 P1125 codes every 600 miles or so****for rich fuel on both banks. Checked as best I could for vacuum leaks, Fuel regulator I think is within spec for vacuum Maybe on the low side. Any thought as to what I do next. Car is running good says I'm getting 26 MPG on the H'way which is hard to believe. Out of ideas!!! V
If I am interpreting the Porsche codes correctly (I get them backwards sometimes).
The engine is running to rich and the DME has reached it's limit on how much fuel it can cut. Since it affects both banks it is unlikely that all six injectors are leaking.
Or that both o2 sensors are bad. (although stranger things have happened)
So I would start with a fuel pressure test. (system could be over pressurizing).
Mine is a 2000 S and it has a place (presta valve?) to hook up a pressure gauge on the fuel rail. I believe there is a spec. for key on engine off, and also a spec. for engine running at idle.
I believe your 99 is the same.

Also I believe there is an external fuel pressure regulator on your 99 that can be tested but I am unfamiliar with the testing procedure and specs. on it.
Those two test would be my starting place.
Hope this helps

Last edited by blue62; 10-20-2019 at 11:01 AM.
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