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Old 10-12-2019, 08:58 AM   #1
Bill Ladd
Join Date: Oct 2019
Location: Wilmington NC
Posts: 133
Wilmington NC newb here

Hey folks. Already learned a ton of info here as I was searching for my first Boxster. Nice to have good information going into the hunt.

Scored this low-mileage 2000-S Tiptronic earlier this week. Had some issues I was aware of, so I was able to haggle. Driver’s rear hub carrier bearing toast, ac not cool, key fob inop., clamshell works but top doesn’t, gas fill issue, radio locked out...

Thanks to the forum, I was familiar with all these issues, and wasn’t concerned about making things right.

Been an amateur mechanic since high school (auto shop all three years). Now 57, so have been wrenching a long time.

Already tackled the ac (low gas charge); carrier bearing (that was an absolute ******************** - broke two three jaw pullers trying to get axle stub to slide out of hub. Had to fabricate a heavy-duty flange puller, then torch heat and an overnight Kroil soak. Finally coaxed it off); key fob was just a battery; poking around the top right now and have some questions that I’ll post in another thread.

Anyway, glad to be here and thanks for all the help so far!

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Last edited by Bill Ladd; 10-12-2019 at 09:03 AM.
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