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Old 10-10-2019, 07:59 PM   #27
Racer Boy
Racer Boy
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I somehow missed this thread! I have some real concerns about the way you mounted the seat, 78F350. The brackets you are using may feel fine, but if you hit something laterally, they fold over and the seat will end up moving a lot, possibly enough that the belts wouldn't do a good job of restraining you in the seat.

Will the only event you'll be doing is the drag strip and autocross? If so, your brackets may adequate, but if you are going to do any other kind of competition, I'd make something a lot safer. You also need to make a brace that attaches on the seat back and goes to the chassis of the car so the seat won't bend as easily. In a real wreck the seat WILL bend. In any kind of real competition, that brace is a required item.

And one other thing - that seat is going to break your ribs at the very least if you hit something, because there is nothing to hold your shoulders in place. Everything above your ribcage will keep moving when the car stops suddenly; the seat hold your lower body in place, but everything above that keeps moving and your ribs break, and you could even have internal injuries.

I'm telling you this because I had a similar aluminum seat in my Spec Miata, and when I hit a wall laterally, my ribs broke, and my insides felt like I had been run over by a semi-truck. The seat was actually bent towards the center of the car about three inches. My seat was bolted right to the floor with a large sandwich plate the kept the bottom of the seat from going anywhere. I'm guessing your brackets would easily fold completely over or even tear, and that might allow the seat to move an unacceptable amount.

It's really cool that you are tackling this, but I really would like you to re-consider how you've got the seat mounted. I learned a very painful lesson, and just wanted to pass the wisdom I gained on to you!
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