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Old 10-10-2019, 04:29 PM   #694
98 Arctic silver 986
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Well put the part in today. Took me about an hour to remove the shifter and put the part in. I already had Ben's short shifter. I took the whole kit out of the cradle. Shifter, bearing cups and old parts. Pro tip, when putting everything back together put the new part and shifter in together. DO NOT bolt the new piece in until the shift lever and new piece are mated together. You can not get the shift lever into the cradle if you bolt the new piece in first.

Anyways it went pretty smooth. Chris sent me a PDF email of the directions. The new part really cleaned the side to side slop of the factory part. There is still a little play but, it is easy to see it's coming thru the cables. Probably caused by some slop on the transmission connections. I'll have to take a look at that at some point. I'm happy overall, I just hope it stays this way for a while before I have to change the insert. It looks like it will be a complete teardown to change the insert.
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