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Old 10-08-2019, 12:48 PM   #15
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Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Los Osos, CA
Posts: 32
Thanks to all for the comments and suggestions... I've driven a couple of times to work and back with the new water pump and thermostat, and -- knock on wood -- things seem to be going alright.

I did end up just collecting and reusing the drained coolant. I did filter it through a cloth, even though there were only a few particles of debris (most likely from the loosening of the hose clamps). I was able to use my torque wrench on 5 of the 7 water pump bolts, and 1 of 4 thermostat bolts. The rest were tightened by feel. Does anyone else do this, or is there a super small version of a torque wrench that can fit into and around the water pump?

Overall, I lost about a pint of coolant, which I replaced with distilled water. The whole engine sounds remarkably better with the new pump.

Thanks again!
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