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Old 10-01-2019, 03:18 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Ciao View Post
Recently, my P-car shows this 5-second countdown, when I insert the key, on the instrument panel. After complete I get the digital oil level on the dash.

I've never noticed this 5-second countdown. What/why is it?
Yeah, the first time I noticed it I was puzzled too. Then it was obvious to me that it's a countdown while it's taking reading of the oil level. I may be wrong, but I never gave it much thought after that. It's easy to miss be because we're usually getting in and immediately turning the key to "start". When you do that, it skips the oil reading, for obvious reasons.

Pay no mind to the smart-a$$ comments. It would have taken a lot less effort to simply answer your question. As if they never had questions that some would consider inane.
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