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Old 09-26-2019, 04:59 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Vtx531 View Post
I looked up scannerdanner and I have seen some of his videos on other subjects besides fuel trims and maf sensors. Good stuff.

I just watched a very interesting video in which he had a car that had similar symptoms to mine and it was a brake booster leak.

Then he showed the disconnect the maf test doesn’t work because he disconnected the MAF and it “fixed” the problem. That car was using MAP instead when maf disconnected (which isnt affected by vacuum leak). Boxsters don’t have MAP sensor correct? What is the computer’s strategy for when the MAF is disconnected?

I reread my posts and realized the way I measured the engine vacuum when I tested it was by removing the brake booster vacuum line. So if the booster is the problem, then I just happened to eliminate it from the system when I tested it!

Going to check into the brake booster before installing new MAF. Part should be here on Saturday.
Correct the Boxster does not have MAP. (manifold absolute pressure I think??) This is why I suggested you unplug the MAF.
When you disconnect the MAF sensor on the Boxster it forces the Computer to go to a default fuel program which allows it to run relatively well under general conditions.
Not all cars trucks ECU's are programed that way. A friends Ford truck will not even start with the MAF disconnected.

Yes you could redo your vacuum test to include the brake booster for peace of mind.. There should be a hose coming off the intake that you can tee into. Or use a tee fitting at the brake booster

Last edited by blue62; 09-26-2019 at 05:26 PM.
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