Thread: Boxster Wannabe
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Old 09-26-2019, 12:39 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Teamfour View Post
New guy looking for a base Boxster. I joined the PCA Test Drive and will be looking through The Mart. I am located in Northern Virginia in case anyone here knows of a good car. My wife wants to drive it so a Tiptronic is preferred. No need to sell me on the 5-speed; having raced Spec Miatas I love the shifting, but the deal is I need an auto.

Not afraid of a 90-100k mile car with decent service records. I found a few candidates but have yet to look. I assume $6-7k for a 1999-ish 100k miler is a fair deal?

I have built numerous cars so I'm not afraid to wrench on them. Is it practical to think I could drop the tranny (Tiptronic) myself to do an IMS/RMS service? Or if a 5-speed, DIY the IMS/RMS/Clutch?
I'm not averse to paying for professional help, but my joy of owning a car comes from the maintenance.

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There are plenty of youtube videos on dropping the tranny and doing the clutch and/or the IMS. I have a tiptronic for the exact same reason you need one. I came to the conclusion not to worry about the IMS, because the failure rate is relatively low, and price for used motors is low enough that the cost ratio of the IMS replacement "insurance" to a replacement motor is too low.

Regarding prices, it pretty much varies by region, but if you can get one for 6-7k I think you'll do pretty well for yourself. But of course, do your due diligence.

Good luck in your search!
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