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Old 09-24-2019, 06:34 AM   #38
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With the MAF plugged in the car runs poor because it is getting a signal or value from the MAF that is wrong or implausible, out of range what ever.
When you unplug the MAF sensor the ECU-DME no longer gets a signal (or value) from the MAF. So the ECU-DME substitutes a value and that forces fuel system to go to a set fuel map. which in turn allows the car to run.
A long way of saying the ECU-DME is recognizing that the MAF signal is missing. So the wiring should be good.
So between the two of us I would say we have pinned it down to a faulty MAF sensor
The proof will be when you spend the big bucks and replace it.
Let me know the outcome.

Last edited by blue62; 09-24-2019 at 06:39 AM.
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