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Old 09-23-2019, 04:42 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by blue62 View Post
Your current snapshot and the fact that you have hesitation under load suggest a vacuum leak.
I would buy a vacuum gauge (about $20.00 at most auto parts store). and do an intake vacuum test. Should read 18-22 on the gauge with a steady needle at idle.
That will prove out yes or no on the possibility of a vacuum leak problem.

If you suspect a faulty MAF sensor unplug it. Take the car for a short drive and see if that improves engine performance. If it does then the MAF is faulty, if it doesn't then most likely the MAF sensor is not the problem. But the wiring to the sensor could be.

Your latest work on the AOS could be related to your current codes. double check your work. Make sure everything is connected correctly and that you didn't knock some wiring or vacuum hose loose in the area of your work.

Since your car is a 2001 it has E-gas throttle (drive by wire) after you disconnected your battery did you recalibrate your throttle when you reconnected the battery???? Before starting the car.????
I did not recalibrate the throttle. How do I do that?

After replacing the AOS I just cleared the codes. Then it idled extremely poorly for about 60 seconds and then smoothed out.

Is there a specific place that I should connect the vacuum gauge?

I thought hesitation under load would suggest something other than a vacuum leak because there is minimal vacuum with the throttle open?

Seems odd to me that the fuel trims would be worse now! About +50% total seems pretty extreme and I don’t know if a MAF sensor would be that far off. At last not just from being dirty I wouldn’t think. I need to pull it and see if it is a cheapo crap brand like the other parts that have been replaced by the PO in the past.

Last edited by Vtx531; 09-23-2019 at 04:44 AM.
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