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Old 09-22-2019, 07:37 PM   #18
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Replaced AOS with genuine Porsche unit. CEL is back P1126 P1133. Maybe another smoke test is in order but it seems like it is cutting out and hesitating when under load and snapshot showed CEL triggered at 18.8% load.

Any thoughts? Perhaps I need to run some graphing software to see what is going on at higher loads?

Latest snapshot:

Sys1 CL
Sys2 CL
Load 18.8%
ETC 187 degrees
Sft1 19.5
Lft1 28.9
Sft2 18.0
Lft2 26.6
Rpm 2440
Vss 45

Prior to replacing AOS and resecuring the boot I was getting P1128/P1130 triggered with P1126/P1133 pending.

Prior snapshot:

Sys1 CL
Sys2 CL
Load 2.0%
ETC 226 degrees (had overheating issue that is now fixed)
Sft1 -3.9
Lft1 14.1
Sft2 -4.7
Lft2 13.3
Rpm 680
Vss 0

The original code/snapshot looks like a classic vacuum leak but the new one maybe a MAF sensor?

Any help appreciated!
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