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Old 09-15-2019, 12:18 PM   #5244
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: 92262
Posts: 3,064
I tackled the stainless braided brake lines, flushed and bled the system, and installed new Brembo caliper decals.

Yesterday I sprayed penetrant several times on the hose ends and the bleeder valves. This morning... went at it.

Using the special wrench, flared?, the fittings came undone quite nicely... didn't need to use a wrench on the soft line nut... on any of the brakes.

The stainless fitted nicely... snugged everything up... began flushing. I had picked up a liter of Pentosin SuperDot. When I arrived at the driver's side I noticed the bleeder container was very low (no air)... so went and purchased another liter. Finished the front driver.

Inspected all the fittings and noticed a couple of drips of fluid. Not getting to confident... I snugged up the fittings and all was good.

I started the car...pumped the brakes a number of times. Shut it off.

I went around everything again... 8 nipples... and did another, quick, bleed.

When I got to the front driver side I see a puddle of brake fluid. Flashlight reveals I failed to completely snug up the inside nipple. Snugged her... all good.

Cleaned everything up... installed the decals... washed the wheels front and back... installed.. torqued... test drive... all good.

Took me 6 hours including two trips to the auto parts store... washing the wheels... ummmmm... and ****************ing around. Just the brake flush/bleed next time? Likely take me just a couple hours or less. Now...

I installed in the clear line between the cap and the motive tank a valve. Yes... I filled the motive with the fluid... I didn't do it dry (this time). Anyhow... so I close the valve... and removed the cap. While there was fluid in the line between the valve and the cap... nothing dripped out.

I lay the motive tank on the ground... keeping the cap higher, just in case. I cleaned up towels... put away some tools... and decided I'd attend to the motive setup. Anyhow...

For whatever stupid reason... I'm holding the motive cap with line attached in one hand and with the other... I open the valve. Yeah...

So frickin braker fluid starts squirting out of the cap... I'm like, "Whaa... Howwww..." and then a moment later I close the valve. Huge DUH. lol. Fluid squirted onto some tools in the chest... the concrete floor... the wood shelf... freaking mess. Just a few ounces, but clean up took a few. I learned what not to do next time.

During my short test drive I noticed no huge difference in braking. I don't know when last the fluid was changed... I do now.

Just a share. Have a great day!
1998 Porsche Boxster
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