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Old 09-14-2019, 07:52 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by outsidetheboxster View Post
I went so far as to use a shop vac to get the bulk of the liquid sludge out. I'm more concerned with the oil residue still likely coating the surfaces inside of the radiators and heater core. I want to get all that out before installing a new engine and such. I can remove all the parts of course, but not looking forward to pulling the heater core just to clean it. Lazy streak I guess. Lol.
That's a tough one. the tricky part is getting the cleaning solution to go up into the heater core since it's relatively high compared to the rads.

One thought, and it's just theoretical, is to jack up the back of the car, so the ends of the hoses are higher than the heater core. Or close to it. Then get a submersible pump from Harbor Freight, put it in a 5-gallon bucket or bigger filled with your cleaning solution. Connect the output from the pump to one of the rad hoses, and run a hose from the other rad hose back into the bucket. turn it on and let it circulate for a while. In theory that should work.

Now, what kind of solution to use?

Good luck!
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