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Old 09-13-2019, 06:30 PM   #17
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 61

OK guys and gals. Small update for anyone watching from the sidelines.

I ordered my adapter today , but went with the one from I spoke with Eric and he is a very good source of information. Also this kit includes a complete stage one clutch setup for almost the same cost as the Kennedy kit with no clutch. Kind of a no brainer. Sounds like about 3 weeks from now I'll have the adapter in hand. Better get busy and find a motor. Stay tuned!

p.s. Any thoughts on how to clean all the oil/antifreeze mix out of the cooling lines and radiators with no motor or water pump in place? I'm thinking an electric pump and a bunch of Super Clean but that will create a lot of waste water to deal with.
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