Originally Posted by particlewave
First of all, it’s President Trump.
Secondly, he’s not “my boy”.
Not all of us are cut and dry, red or blue.
YOU and partisan people like you are a joke.
YOU and partisan politics are what is dividing this country.
YOU and your partisan tribal “us and them” mentality are the problem.
Think for yourself on each topic.
We are all Americans. Remember when that meant something?
Thanks a lot for being part of the wedge splitting this country. I hope you’re proud of yourself.
Resident Rump! He's a con, a crook. a narcissist, he kisses up to Putin and other dictators and trashes our allies. And I voted for him! Big regret.
And speaking of wedge, have you been paying attention to what Rump is doing?
It's not about partisanship this time. I was OK with Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 44, although I disagreed with them on a lot of issues.
This guy is bad for America. Period. This is the guy who, after 9/11, went on the radio and said that he now has the tallest building in Manhattan. He only gives a $h!t about himself and his wallet. The sooner people wake up the better.