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Old 09-11-2019, 07:27 AM   #11
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: 92262
Posts: 3,064
You guys! Yes, I'm messing with you.

Wherever you go, there you are. Red. Blue. It's a wash.

Anyhow... angry? Nah. Cynic? Uh. Sarcastic. Uh.

Sometimes threads get hijacked and if I see a name or two I recognize, I'll play with it a bit. A few here know I'm just having a little fun. I work from a home office, self-employed, the dogs and bird don't talk. The fish? Meh. So the 986 forum I find is an awesome community of acquaintances... each with their own personality (or, that which they reveal upon these pages)... each populating their own little corner of the world, and with differing backgrounds. We've an interesting bunch, all cool. I digress.

Paulofto. My mom was born and raised in Newfoundland. Got Screech?

My little hijack, over. :dance:
1998 Porsche Boxster
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