Originally Posted by Vtx531
Upon further inspection, I think it is the air oil separator boot that has come off underneath.
Has anyone replaced this before? Any tips?
There was a screw type hose clamp on it so I think that means somebody has messed with it before. Not a spring type hose clamp.
I replaced my AOS just a short while ago. It does have a boot that attaches from the bottom of the AOS to the engine. Yours has been replaced as evidenced by 1. The worm drive clamp, and 2. That's the newer AOS part. The newer AOS round piece on the top is vertical while the older part round top is horizontal. That said... when I removed my old AOS that bottom boot was like butter and, because I was replacing in... I just tugged at it and it came right off. When completely I pulled off the old one I just removed what was remaining of that boot.
See if you can source that boot for a better price (
https://www.ebay.com/p/Porsche-Oil-Separator-Boot-996-Carrera-986-Boxster-Genuine-99610723752-Bellows/1822097375?iid=323690532260&chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=323690532260&targetid=800915196857&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9031411&poi=&campaignid=1497794122&mkgroupid=56281259685&rlsatarget=pla-800915196857&abcId=1139466&merchantid=114749148&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIveC3oPXB5AIVgZOzCh2hEQwMEAkYBCAB EgKnVPD_BwE) and, after removing the rear wheel and shroud... go to town on it. Shouldn't take but 30 minutes jacking up the wheel.... removing shroud... removing old... installing new... reinstall shroud and wheel and your good to go.