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Old 09-05-2019, 08:18 PM   #8
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Redciv, Sorry if I didn't understand this fully (English is my second language)..

But if two of the bolts lost their heads and you were able to remove the rest, once you get the water pump away from the block. you may get a piece of bolt left enough to clamp it with a vice grip or using the other tips already mentioned.

Of course if the bolt is flushed with the block it may be required to lower the engine/gearbox further down so you can have access to the broken studs from the front, because trying with an angle grinder may be tricky, specially because the block is soft aluminum casting..

Once I had to lower them enough to be able to remove one bank valve cover to replace the internal seals that had failed, and managed to do it with a transmission jack under the engine and a homemade engine pulling rack that was supported between the rear strut towers, should have some pictures if required..
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