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Old 09-04-2019, 06:27 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by outsidetheboxster View Post
piper6909. Did not mean to offend anyone, including you.

I really can't figure out why so many people have bad engines, and yet they are intimidated by this swap. Maybe lack of good, clear directions and a parts source?

Hopefully we can clear that up. Of course it takes funding but it should not be break-the-bank type money. It's really just a matter of buying the adapter and engine, then making it fit and run. A bit of wiring work, some coolant circulation hurdles, and some metal work.

And then the exhaust, tuning, metal engine cover fabrication, upholstery, more wiring, power steering hose modifications, shift cable re-work, fuel pump lines, axle geometry, etc. I suppose exhaust routing too. Yeah, I get it.

I'll see what I can finagle and get things straightened out. Any help would be most welcome. Come on gang, lets do this!
I wasn't offended in any way. I was trying to make a joke about using "...proper punctuation, paragraphs..." Obviously the joke bombed, and I'm sorry I didn't clarify that I was generalizing and it wasn't directed towards you or anything you did or said.

Having said that, I'm truly looking forward to seeing updates on your project. I can turn some wrenches and swap parts & motors. But making mods way beyond my capabilities. Thus the bit of envy, but no malice.

Best wishes and I look forward to your posts.
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