This morning I decided to assemble the short shifter and side lever upgrade into an extra housing I purchased specifically for this . They are cheap enough to purchase and this allows easy swap to go back to stock if need be . Anyway I started with the hole that needs to be drilled for the side lever . I measured the shoulder of the bolt with mic's and came up with .469 , looked at my multiple drill indexes and found a 15/32 which is .469 . Chucked the bit into my cordless drill and drilled through the outside , lined up by eye and drilled the inside wall . After drilling the inside wall I continued pushing forward with the drill and it cleaned out the little wall where the nut goes . Took all of 30 seconds to do . I slid the shoulder bolt into the hole it was quite snug which is what I wanted .
Then I grabbed the short shifter and installed ( loosely ) the short shifter and side lever into the housing . It takes a little fussing but no big deal . Every wear point received a liberal coating of marine/off road grease . Assembled the bearings/cups for the shifter including the pennies

and started adjusting . I adjusted the shifter so the ball that goes into the side lever was aprox. in the middle of the teflon bushing . I used a little bit of red Loctite on all the threads . It feels like there is zero play north/south so I think I have the cups/bearing pre load set correctly . Side to side feels very precise with just a little bit of a catch/detent feel going into the 1st/2nd plane I assume this is normal .
I am probably weeks away from installing in the car as I'm going to pull the console and prep/paint it to match the exterior of the car . Here are two pics of the finished product , I will post my final thoughts after I install in the car and drive it for a bit . And last but not least , thanks to Ben for making these and Chris at Uniwerks for being honest and easy to work with guys .