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Old 08-15-2019, 06:51 PM   #1
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Cam Timing off 2002 Boxster S

Took out cams, replaced variocam adjuster rails, reinstalled cams bank 1 then bank2.

Running the car after the repair, bank1 is off -7 degrees, bank2 is perfect. Car idles great though.

I counted the teeth on both banks exactly the same. i thought i got it right, but i’m suspecting the intake cam bank 1 is 1 tooth off. Will try to re-time bank 1 saturday or sunday, if timing tool fits in fine, then it has to be one tooth off.

I guess my question is if the cam tool fits, but intake is off, is there any other explanation? I’m assuming 7 degrees would be an obvoious deviation of the exhaust cam slot from parallel, like not even close. If it just bad cam timing it should be very obvious?

2002 Boxster S - Silver/Boxster Red
Coilovers - LSD - CAI - High Flow exh. - F&R Adjustable Sways
LN 3.2 to 3.8 - parts acquired, pending assembly and tuning
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