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Old 08-15-2019, 09:42 AM   #666
Ben006's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: French Riviera
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If your shifter is like new, it won't make a huge difference no, but my bet it's that it's not... I've never seen one (and I'm a Porsche Tech so I get to see a LOT !) in good condition.
So it will make a huge difference !

The price is "high" because it's a fairly small production, I can't afford to make 5000 of them to get a real low price !

The complete kit shifter + lever is still cheaper than many aftermarket short shifter

ASE certified Automotive Master Technician.
Porsche Tech in France.
Ben-Auto-Design : Performance parts for 9X6 / 9X7
1982 928 S Euro
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