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Old 08-12-2019, 05:38 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Rob175 View Post
I have all the quality hand tools to do the job (including an impact driver for the wheel lugs) it's just the lifting jack and the stands I don't have......I'm assuming that the factory jack would be good enough to lift the car as long as I buy jack stands to support it once up.
Where do the jack stands get placed? Also, I'm thinking that as long as the car is "up" and if I'm doing the labor then I might as well change all of the coils.....because I have to remove them anyway.
Jacking the car up:

The jack stands usually go where the jack points are, but if you'll be using the Porsche jack, then the jack stands can go under where the floor jacks go to lift the car. I use a piece of 2x4 between the stands and the car to protect the paint. I usually lower the car until it touches the stands. I don't release the weight off the jack entirely.

Regarding the cracked coils, if you want to spend money on new coils, that's your option. I'd just put some epoxy on them and keep driving.

If you do buy new ones, I'll take your old ones!
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