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Old 08-10-2019, 03:41 PM   #21
The Radium King
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hey man, i can get you dyno results. my rate is $125 per hour and the car is $500 per day. not sure what the actual dyno cost is, but i'll bill you the actual cost plus 10% markup. the clock starts when i leave the house and stops when i am back home. and i live a LONG way from the nearest dyno.

listen, none of us are selling anything. if you want testing then ask a vendor and don't complain about the cost of their product afterwards. instead of asking a bunch of home diyers to spend time and money to prove info that they are sharing out of the goodness of their heart, how about you take the time and spend the money to try out the mod and see if you like it? seems a lot more fair to me. hey, we already did 90% of the work for you at our own expense.
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