My Boxster is just full of surprises. I've got hydraulic fluid from leaking struts all over the front suspension (wheel carrier, control arm, wishbone, etc.), the wheel liner, and even on the inside of the rims. (Obviously, I'll be replacing the struts.)
I thought about just using brake cleaner for cleanup, but I didn't want to hose everything in the wheel wells off with 10 cans of the stuff splattering everywhere. (I also didn't know if it would take the paint off the calipers; I'm trying to keep the gray Special Edition paint intact). I'm trying to be mindful of the speed and brake pad sensors, too. Can I get away with just using soapy water with a hose and a brush to clean everything? A degreaser and/or
cleaning wipes? I'm not trying to detail the wheel well; just trying to clean up the scene of the crime.