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Old 06-08-2019, 12:18 PM   #5022
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Drilled a Drain Hole

So I committed what many may think is a Cardinal Sin.

I drilled a drain hole underneath the driver's seat. To prevent rust, I sealed around it with the same sealant I used when I installed a roof rack on my work van. I then installed a drain tube from a 911 headlight bucket. It makes it harder for water to splash in from underneath. I got the idea from another post and if I can find it I'll give the OP credit. It's part number 911.631.259.02

I had to use a 1/2" drill bit. I never like drilling holes anywhere on a car, and this was no exception, but I can now rest easy that if I get caught in a rainstorm, my Immobilizer is protected. Flooding is not a concern in my area, but even it if is, water would have other ways of getting in.

Yes, I could have gone with ECUDoctors waterproof case, but somehow I'm not convinced by it. Plus, $150 for a plastic box seems like price gouging to me.

I'm thinking of drilling another hole in the front floor pan, but I couldn't find a good low spot that didn't have anything in the way underneath. Still pondering that one, and I have time since the carpet isn't dry yet.

Here's the hole with the sealant:

Here's the hole with the drain tube:

Here's a pic from underneath:

And here's what the drain tube looks like:

I found the post that suggested the drain tubes. Thank you to old911doc:
Originally Posted by old911doc View Post
When I drilled my Boxsters I recalled there is an ideal part to fit in the hole, an original Porsche part 911.631.259.02, available from our friendly Pelicans for $3.00 each. This part is a small rubber tube used in 1960's-70's 911's, fitted into each turn signal unit to permit water to drain out without water easily splashing in. I would suggest purchasing four of them, and measuring the groove in the rubber to see what size hole to drill in the floor pan. I suggest one hole in the lowest point, which is under the seat, and one hole near the back of the floor pan.

Last edited by piper6909; 06-08-2019 at 01:36 PM.
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