Originally Posted by maytag
My problem is that I just can't seem to get excited about them. They don't stir me, in any way.
It's sorta like when people tell me that auto-cross is fun: I just sorta smile at them and immediately categorize that person's "fun" threshold.
It's the same with the Miata. haha.
You never know until you drive one. My street Miata was just as fun as my Boxster on the track, only it was a lot more worry free to thrash it.
Originally Posted by Topless
If you are 5'8" or smaller, Miata and Lotus are a barrel of monkeys. Much taller than that and they get tight real fast.
I'm 6' 1", and fit in a Miata. Unfortunately, I've never had the chance to even sit in a Elise.