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Old 05-23-2019, 04:56 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by thefunkygibbon View Post
what do you mean when you say "on the tabs"? i don't see any tab looking things.
I just realized that my having red leather interior means the roll bar things are red leather at the front (black plastic at the back) so whatever colour ziptie i use it will look crap from one side. so zip ties are out of the question for the top parts (the bottoms would be ok as you can't really see them)
Are we referring to the same thing? I was talking about the black grilles that go behind the headrest. If you're referring to the same items, then they have 3 tabs that lock them (although loosely) to the roll bar.

I want to caution that if you use 3M tape to hold them down, you'll most likely never get the back out in one piece, as they are VERY brittle. I learned that the hard way. In fact, I no longer recommend using tape. Thank God for JB Weld for plastic, I was able to mend the broken pieces.

If you're talking about the clear plastic that goes between the humps, if the car didn't come with it, you'll have to buy the mounting kit and rivet it onto the roll bar. I did that with mine and if you need help let me know.

Last edited by piper6909; 05-23-2019 at 05:00 AM.
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