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Old 05-22-2019, 02:28 PM   #6
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: SE USA
Posts: 322
You are correct. The relays are already present in panel #1. It's simply a matter of attaching the fuse taps to pin 85 on each relay, making the wiring loop and attaching to a switch. Actually pretty easy. Quadcammers suggestion would work but I didn't want to test the wiring as I too am no electrical wizard.

I will post my parts list and suppliers when I get home tonight. The only fiddly work I had to do was to file the opening in the taps a little wider to fit the pins on the relays. If I did it again, I'm not sure I would go to the trouble of wiring up the fans low speed as you will most likely only use the high speed to cool things down quickly. I did it just because it was there.
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