Originally Posted by 99 Boxcutter
JFP is (of course) correct, but there is a difference between having a car that is correct and a car that you can enjoy without having to spend lots of money at a dealership. Two of my current (5) 986s have had the "immobilizer box" swapped and not been reprogrammed. Both cars are highly depreciated in value with a rebuilt title due to flood damage. It will present a problem if I need to have them serviced at a dealership, but there really isn't anything on these cars that I won't do myself if time is available. I don't expect to sell either car in the foreseeable future, but I would fully inform a buyer. My '04 Flood car:
The Houston 04 SE
* Check to see if your insurance policy will cover the correct repair. Many full coverage policies will, but it may actually 'total' your car.
* The set that you linked is
NOT what you need. it does not include the box under the seat and will be a waste of your money.
*To make the car function you will need a matching set compatible with your car's model and year consisting of: key fob with
transponder "pill", Engine computer (called
DME or ECU and mounted in the trunk on the firewall), and immobilizer box (called
central locking unit) under the driver seat). The ignition switch, key blade, and signal transducer module on the ignition stalk are irrelevant, but are often included.
*Try to find a set for sale with multiple keys. I got one with 3 keys for $500.
*Forum member
Qmulus has made affordable repairs for many forum members, swapping the correct coding to a good immobilizer box.
ECU Doctors can repair and recode these for less than the dealership cost as well and makes a good waterproof box.
*You may find the best deal here in the forum classified section if you ask someone who is parting out a similar car.