Good stuff -- thanks for sharing... Did your Butt Dyno tell you anything?
Originally Posted by thstone
Data, data, data!
I had my car dyno tested again at the PCA Festival of Speed. This was a different dyno but both were the same manufacturer, same software, and same environmental condition algorithms.
The results are within range of 8 hp and an average of 4hp.
Test 2:
High 193.53
Low 190.45
Ave 191.93
Test 1:
High 189.51
Low 185.75
Ave 187.85
I still think that this is a bit lower than the expected ~195hp ave. If you look at the A/F ratio from the second test (top image above), it shows that the engine is running a bit lean. This implies that the cylinders aren't getting enough fuel. I had the fuel pump tested which was fine.
Then we pulled the injectors and sent them out for test with results of low flow rates in 3 cyls. This might be the cause of the lean condition so we had them cleaned and calibrated.
I'll get another dyno test to see if the injector cleaning made any difference as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Drivers: '15 Panamera Hybrid (wife's), ' 01 996 GT2, 00 Boxster S, '96 993 Çab/Tip (wife's)
Race Cars: '75 911 RSR Replica & '99 Spec Boxster