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Old 09-29-2006, 02:20 PM   #8
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Ohio
Posts: 380
I've heard the same things about Valmet..

No complaints thus far with 2 Valmet Boxsters.

Regarding the tour, we went through it in 2000 and Iwas struck by the following:
[list]number of buildings that encorporate the whole stuttgart factory--lots of small buildings compared to a typical NA assembly plant.
The engine assembly area; very small and neat to watch the assembler as the he builds the engine and moves it from station to station.
[list]Going through at the lunch break with the blue collar guys eating in the same cafeteria as management

[/ist] Workers have a beer with lunch at their work station--honest.
  • there was an area outside just as cars came off the assembly line with a lot of cars parked and people working on them--our guide said it was a rework area. I was real suprised to see guys yanking seats out and tweaking this and that.
2013 Boxster S
2006 Boxster--sold
1999 Boxster--sold
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