Thread: Thanks Trump
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Old 04-13-2019, 07:03 PM   #4
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You paid in less out of every paycheck because your federal tax went down.
If you want a return, you have to overpay. That's how it works.
If your state tax is too high, don't live in a high tax state. The rest of us were picking up your states slack by paying a higher federal tax.

We made sure that we paid as much federal tax as we did the previous year by having the same amount taken out of our paychecks as before and got our biggest return ever as a result. That's because federal tax went down.

It blows me away that you would complain about having to pay less federal tax.
Maybe you should talk to an accountant that can explain things to you, then move to a state that won't rape you in taxes.


Last edited by particlewave; 04-13-2019 at 07:16 PM.
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