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Old 04-10-2019, 04:26 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
You and a whole lot of other people when it comes to "open" bearings (ball or roller type), solid bearings are another story however...….
Yep, plain bearings require oil feed usually. Although they are usually applied where constant oil supply (immersion) is not available, like at the crankshaft, camshaft, etc.. At these bearings if the pressure drops in the oil line they fail. Motorcycle engines are often fitted with plain bearings without pressure oil feed, they are just submerged into oil, or the rotating parts transfer oil onto them constantly (splashing), and oil can flow in spiral oil channels between the bushing and the journal. Sometimes these bearings have oil pockets where the oil can sit in and can serve as a constant oil cushion to the journal. They work pretty well and never fail. It`s possible that a plain bearing designed for benefiting oil immersion would work at the IMS, as you mentioned before that nothing happens (for a while) if you disconnect the oil supply to the plain IMSB. This is just theoretical of course, I wouldn`t risk trying it.
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